Snacks Recipes
Sesame Sugar Snap Peas and Edamame

Sesame Sugar Snap Peas and Edamame
Serves: 3
Bring 3/4 inch of water to a boil in a large pot with a lid. Place edamame in a steamer basket and place basket over boiling water and cover, steaming for four minutes. After four minutes, add the sugar snap peas to the basket. Cover and steam the vegetables for two more minutes. Carefully lift basket out of the pot and run vegetables under cold water or dunk them in a bowl of ice water to cool quickly.
While vegetables are steaming, add raw sesame seeds to a small pan and toast over medium heat until light brown, two to three minutes. Shake the pan gently to move the seeds around so they toast evenly. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
Pat vegetables dry with a paper towel and transfer to a serving bowl. Toss with sesame seeds, sesame oil and salt. Serve at room temperature or cold.